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Innovation Zero     Connecting leaders of the future economy


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Congress photo

Why exhibit?

Our audience wants to know what's new & interesting

60% of visitors to our Innovation Zero events told us that they had met suppliers they otherwise wouldn't have known about. So they will be back for more of the same next year.

40% of visitors thought that Innovation Zero was better or much better than other sustainability events that they have attended.

If you have an innovative solution to put on the radar of public and private sector organisations who are actively investing in decarbonising their supply chains, get involved.


Enquire about Commercial Opportunities

Why exhibit

Meet & qualify future customers

Innovation Zero MENA is designed for decision making delegates to gain insight into innovation and solutions they will need to invest in or deploy in order to decarbonise their operations.

From CSOs to operations, energy, facilities and transport procurement, you will be putting you company in front of key decision makers and gain valuable new leads.


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Get noticed by potential investors

Saudi Arabia is investing in taking a global leadership position in the development of new technologies, in sectors as diverse as energy, the built environment, land management, oceans and water as an essential part of its vision for a diversified future economy. Many venture capitalists will be attending to find the next unicorn and surface innovators that will put a dent in the climate crisis.

Funds will be very well represented as they look to pick the fast growth potential unicorns from the VC community and update themselves on cleantech trends.


Apply to Sponsor

Take the stage

Exhibiting gives you the opportunity to drive home your key messages that will make an impact in the transformation to a low carbon economy.

Want to step into the spotlight?

Talk to us about exhibiting packages that include speaking opportunities, from moderating sessions, to becoming a panellist on a themed session. There are also opportunities for us to work with you to create a session.


Apply to Speak

The power of exhibitions

If you don't already have Innovation Zero MENA 2025 in your budget planning under 'Lead Generation' here are some facts to consider:

  • Quality of attendees is the most important factor when choosing to exhibit at a trade show. Our previous Innovation Zero conferences scored 3.96/5 on this metric.
  • Face-to-face trade show interactions foster better communication and higher lead conversion.
  • Exhibiting at trade shows can often be more cost-effective than other lead generation methods.
  • Exhibitors at Innovation Zero gave a satisfaction rating of 4.11/5 in terms of leads generated.


Apply to Exhibit

  • "I can honestly say that the event exceeded all our expectations. The level of interest in our plans for decarbonisation and sustainability of a UK battery metals refinery was extraordinary. We met many new potential investors, suppliers and partners and the whole team enjoyed spreading the word. It was a great event and I’m sure it will grow."
    Sean Sargent
    CEO, Green Lithium
  • "Thanks so much for the stand at the Innovation Zero Conference. It was an absolutely fantastic couple of days. Huge credit to you and your team for organising such a good event. Having been to a few events in this sector over the past couple of years, I can say with some conviction that this was by far the most useful and enjoyable. You managed to strike a great balance between genuinely interesting companies and compelling presentations, whilst managing to maintain the momentum for two days."
    Tom Anderson
    Managing Director, CalPac Resources
  • "Innovation Zero provided us with the opportunity to meet many different types of people both potential customers, partners and likeminded sustainability professionals"
    Espen Røisland
    VP of Sales, Ignite Procurement
  • "As a start up working to help solve complex global challenges, events like this are invaluable to speak to people from a range of backgrounds. From standards bodies and large corporates, to family owned importers and academia. We will definitely be returning!"
    Hollie Bridgland
    Senior Marketing & Communications Officer, iov42
  • "This is the place for anyone wanting to establish themselves in the new carbon and green markets as well as anyone who's interested in seeing what's going on in the market."
    Luke Martin
    Software Engineer, AlliedOffsets

Who should exhibit?

Innovators and new innovations

Exhibiting gives you the opportunity to drive home your key messages that will make an impact in the transformation to a low carbon economy. Want to step into the spotlight? Talk to us about exhibiting packages that include speaking opportunities, from moderating sessions, to becoming a panellist on a themed session. There are also opportunities for us to work with you to create a session.

Established net zero solutions providers

Energy: renewables such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, along with low-carbon energy technology such as hydrogen,  nuclear and fusion. Energy storage and smart grids.

Industrials: carbon capture utilisation and storage, and technologies in industrial processes to reduce emissions and low carbon manufacturing processes designed to reduce emissions. Sustainable materials such as bioplastics and circular materials.

Transport: electrification and charging infrastructure. Developing and deploying low-carbon fuels, such as hydrogen and biofuels and synthetic fuels.

Built Environment: Improving building design to be more energy efficient, including heating, insulation and ventilation. Green building materials and infrastructure.


Public sector, large corporates, local governments have to plan and make decisions on how to effectively and efficiently lower their operational emissions and decarbonise their supply chains. With considerable investment required, in some cases whole system changes are required and the role of advisories is essential in providing a de-risked pathway to future success.

Banks and finance

Capital is required at all stages of the transformation, and with new cleantech’s setting up daily, there is a huge opportunity to be seen as the leader in funding cleantech and decarbonising solutions.

Data and IT solutions

From carbon accounting to digital twins; smart cities, blockchain technology, and IoT will play a huge part in the transformation.


Infrastructure is an area that will be investing in multiple innovations to decarbonise their operations. Exhibiting at Innovation Zero makes you a magnet for some very cleaver innovations that will save you valuable time locating individually, while sending a clear message on your requirements. 

Hear from some of Innovation Zero's Past Sponsors and Exhibitors

Here are just some of the companies who attend Innovation Zero


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