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Innovation Zero     Connecting leaders of the future economy


14th & 15th October | Misk City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Congress photo

Why attend?

Innovation Zero exists to enable those working towards a better, sustainable future economy. 

The Innovation Zero MENA Congress will focus on regional and global challenges and solutions. 

We will bridge the gap between policy, the innovation required to decarbonise, the finance at every stage, and the corporate and public sector leaders who need to deploy innovative solutions to hit their net zero targets.

The energy transition, the accelerating challenges of food and water security and the opportunities in the circular carbon economy will all be presented at Innovation Zero. International policymakers, funders, businesses and innovators are invited to meet to form new partnerships as they work to create the future economy. 

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Why visit

5 reasons to attend Innovation Zero MENA

1. Learn from industry leaders

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Innovation Zero MENA brings together world-class speakers who are experts in climate change mitigation, clean technology innovation, and implementing low carbon solutions.


2. Network with peers

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The congress provides an excellent opportunity to network with other senior leaders, innovators, funders and policymakers. Registered visitors will be advised in advance of all the free to attend networking events taking place over the two days at the congress so you can build your contacts.

3. Discover the latest innovations

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Innovation Zero MENA is a showcase of cutting edge innovations from the MENA region and around the world. Meet the founders who are quite literally going to change the world. Want to showcase your solution?


4. Gain insight into emerging trends

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With a host of world-class speakers, content sessions and working groups, you will be fully up to date with the latest thinking on how business is playing a lead role in the decarbonisation transformation.


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5. Be inspired to take action

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By attending Innovation Zero MENA, you will be inspired by the passion and dedication of other movers and shakers to drive positive change within your organisation. This event provides the perfect platform to gain the knowledge and tools you need to make a difference.


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Who should attend?

At Innovation Zero MENA, we understand the transition to a low carbon economy requires contribution from all quarters to work together.

That’s why we want to build not just a cross sector innovation culture, but a community. Innovation Zero MENA is the place where policy makers, innovators, funders and business leaders come together to share insight, form new partnerships and collaborate to make a difference and capitalise on the opportunities.

  • FTSE top 350 business Leaders - demonstrate your organisations’ commitment to a clean future by leading from the top. CEOs can join the Congress Chair NetZero CEOs reception.
  • Sustainability professionals - get insight and updates on trends, build your personal network and identify innovation.
  • Corporate procurement - identify the latest innovation across multiple sectors that will give your organisation an edge in the market. Communicate your requirements.


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  • Public sector procurement - make sure you are fully informed on the most cost effective solutions to deliver maximum value.
  • Venture capital - find the next unicorn, connect with bigger funds and stay on top of industry themes.
  • Funds (non VCs) - connect with co-investors and counterparties. Build up the black book.
  • Innovators - connect with funders, connect with future customers.
  • Corporate innovation - connect with VCs, meet with innovators.
  • Policymakers - get feedback from industry on the challenges and opportunities.
  • "Innovation Zero is an amazing platform for bringing together a variety of actors within the financial system, so bringing the sustainable financial ecosystem together with the mainstream actors to have conversations but also to think through how we can together move capital towards a sustainable economy."
    Dr Nina Seega
    Director, Centre for Sustainable Finance, CISL
  • "It’s a great opportunity to meet with other likeminded investors, to meet entrepreneurs who are with their start-up companies looking for funding, but also to engage in the wider ecosystem such as corporates, regulators, and supply chain firms all of whom are on this decarbonisation journey across the myriad of different sectors that it impacts."
    Beverley Gower-Jones OBE
    CEO, Clean Growth Fund
  • "Innovation Zero can really allow people to understand that the solutions are out there. The commercial solutions and financing solutions that are associated and need to be built alongside those. So if there’s one thing that people should take away, it’s that the transition is going to happen, and both the financial and corporate world will be able to deliver it."
    Adrian Rimmer
    Director of Sustainable Finance, LSEG
  • "Events like Innovation Zero are an opportunity for us to really get out and understand what people working on, how we’re seeing the responses to the climate emergency push forward. There’s a lot of ambition, it’s really useful to get together with people and compare notes."
    Chris Hook
    Global Sustainability Strategy Lead, Uber