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Innovation Zero     Transforming systems for a sustainable future 


17-18 June 2025 | Palmer Events Center, Austin

Innovation Zero America Forums

Congress photo

The Innovation Zero America conference will run across 8 dedicated forums

The Innovation Zero America conference will be run across 8 dedicated Forums, with each covering areas of interest including Energy, Industrial, Built Environment, Transport, Food & Agriculture, and more. Hover over the images below to find out more about each forum.


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Main Stage

Main Stage

Featuring globally-recognised thought leaders, Innovation Zero will highlight not only the key challenges our planet faces, but holistic, collaborative ways in which we can rise to the occasion and overcome the climate crisis.

Sustainability stars will demonstrate world-changing financial, scientific, legislative and social solutions.

Innovation Showcase

Innovation Showcase

Startups developing exciting and game-changing technologies will present their products and services to corporate buyers and investors, demonstrating the ways in which their business can accelerate America’s pathway to net zero.

We believe innovation is what will unlock net zero goals: our showcases are where you find the key.

Energy Forum

Energy Forum

Addressing the design and development of the future energy system, the Forum will explore the mix required to deliver a secure, resilient, low carbon grid. We tackle the role of  renewable energy sources, of storage, and of demand management and flexibility.  Topics will include the deployment of virtual power plants, grid and transmission technologies, the role of nuclear energy and small modular reactors, geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage, and the role of hydrogen.

Industrial Forum

Industrial Forum

Actioning the Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap and identifying key strategies to reduce emissions in high-carbon industries, the Forum will focus on petroleum refining, chemicals, iron, steel, and cement. It will connect key actors engaged in establishing the U.S. as a global leader in industrial innovation​. Topics will include energy efficiency, electrifying processes, using low-carbon fuels and feedstocks, and expanding the role of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies.

Built Environment Forum

Built Environment Forum

This forum will delve into innovative strategies and technologies for reducing carbon emissions in cities, buildings, and infrastructure. Key themes include sustainable urban planning, energy-efficient building designs, renewable energy integration, smart city solutions, and the use of advanced materials. Hear from industry leaders and innovators about the latest advancements in low carbon construction, retrofitting existing structures as well as innovative financing solutions to accelerate the market.

Transport Forum

Transport Forum

This forum will explore the latest innovations in reducing carbon emissions in both road transport and aviation, with reference to the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization. Key themes include electrification of vehicles, sustainable aviation fuels, advanced battery technologies, and smart transportation infrastructure. Engage with industry leaders and policymakers as they discuss breakthroughs in zero-emission vehicles, efficient logistics, and policy frameworks driving the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon transport future.

Food & Agriculture Forum

Food & Agriculture Forum

Our global food system accounts for over a third of global greenhouse gas emissions and is a major driver of biodiversity loss, water resource depletion and the health crisis. Transitioning to a low carbon, nature-positive future demands a sweeping transformation of this system..  

Join us as we explore how innovation is shaping a more sustainable, resilient and equitable food and agricultural landscape. From regenerative agriculture and advances in agricultural inputs to artificial intelligence and the intersection of climate and health, our one day forum will cover a wide array of challenges and feature insights and feature insights from stakeholders across the supply chain on what these changes mean for our future food system. 

Carbon & Nature Markets

Carbon & Nature Markets

Despite concerted global efforts, greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise annually and nature is declining at an alarming rate. To tackle this urgent crisis, we must leverage every available tool. The voluntary carbon market, when properly utilised, has the potential to mobilise substantial capital to accelerate the green energy transition, protect and restore vital ecosystems and secure the livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.  

Our carbon and nature forum will explore the ongoing challenges facing carbon markets today. From improving project transparency to scaling emerging carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions, we will examine both demand- and supply-side challenges and explore how these markets can be optimised for maximum impact. 

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