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Greg Johnston

Greg Johnston

Energy Sector Digitalisation Expert / Contributor, Energy Systems Catapult and the Government's Energy Digitalisation Taskforce
Greg is a Senior Digital & Data consultant who specialises in data and digitalisation policy and regulation in the energy sector, as well as the digital infrastructure that is required to enable a net zero energy system. Greg joined Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) from Ofgem, where he was  a senior manager who contributed to the government’s Energy Digitalisation Strategy, 2021, as well as consulting on and publishing Ofgem’s first ‘Data Best Practice Guidance’ and ‘Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan Guidance’, requirements for energy networks. At ESC, Greg has been a key contributor to the Energy Digitalisation Taskforce as well as the Offshore Data Taskforce. Greg regularly publishes thought leadership papers on Data and Digitalisation topics, such as on ‘Digitalising Licensing in Energy’ and ‘Digital Twins, the case for Policy use’. Most recently Greg has been technology and regulatory lead for the LCT Connect Project involved in BEIS's Automatic Asset Registration competition and is contributing to the ‘Digital Spine Feasibility Study’.