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Innovation Zero 2024 Main Stage

Elaine Toogood

Elaine Toogood

Director, Architecture & Sustainable Design, The Concrete Centre

Elaine provides architectural advice and technical guidance primarily related to the specification, design and use of concrete for sustainable construction. She is joint chair for the UK concrete industry’s circular economy task group, and special advisor to UK Concrete. Elaine has over 25 years experience as a qualified architect, mostly within private practice.

Elaine regularly contributes to working groups related to environmental sustainability, including the DEFRA Property Level Flood Resilience round table; BSI committee revising BS 85500 – Flood resistant and resilient construction – Guide to improving the flood performance of buildings; The London Climate Change Partnership; LETI Circular Economy and Embodied carbon work streams; RIBA Sustainable Futures group and the UKGBC Net Zero route map.