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Dominic Vergine

Dominic Vergine

CEO & Founder, Monumo
PURPOSE: My career has revolved around new ideas, technologies and partnerships and hopefully try to ensure that they do some good. AI is the most powerful tool that we have ever made. We should be applying it to the immense global challenges we face in the real world. Starting with the climate crisis. MONUMO: We are building a highly experienced and multi-disciplinary team to create a company of real value (in every sense). Clean energy and transportation relies on deep understanding of electromagnetics. We are utilising the latest advances in AI to create new more sustainable, efficient designs and prototypes for both electric motors and generators. ROLES: Over 25 years, I've been instrumental in founding four businesses, a social enterprise and a charity. One business failed, whilst the other five have each run for over ten years and are all still operational today. PEOPLE FIRST: Having the right team and developing lasting partnerships is fundamental to success. As a leader, I trust and respect the people in my teams and give them the autonomy necessary to make swift progress. See my Recommendations Section for what it's like to work with me! TECH FOR GOOD: In 2009 I visited Arm (the world's leading silicon chip designer) and pitched a Tech for Good role to the leadership team. I was hired and built the sustainability function which ultimately became a new global platform for the CEO both internally and externally. I delivered presentations where I raised awareness of the role and opportunity for the tech sector in international development and in relation to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (The Global Goals) at events including WEF Davos and the UN General Assembly 2030VISION: In 2016 I created 2030Vision, an initiative designed to rally the tech sector behind the Global Goals. I brought in UN agencies and charities as founding partners to anchor the initiative with real need and credibility before inviting companies to join. Antonio Guterres gave us a quote giving his support and Sir David Attenborough spoke for us and attended two of our events. Companies including Microsoft, Cisco, UBS, Softbank, Samsung, Salesforce, Google, McKinsey joined and followed Arm's lead. 2030Vision is now part of the World Economic Forum and chaired by Achim Steiner of UNDP and Simon Segars of Arm.