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14th & 15th October | Misk City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


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07 Sep 2023

IZ Recommends | Design Researchers in Residence: Islands at The Design Museum

IZ Recommends | Design Researchers in Residence: Islands at The Design Museum

This month, I’ll be back in Kensington, this time for a free display on new design research responding to the climate crisis.

Islands brings together the work of the 2022/23 Design Researchers in Residence. The display considers islands both geographically and metaphorically. It features the work of this year’s Design Researchers in Residence, whose projects explore a shift from an ‘island mentality’ towards ‘archipelagic thinking’, which emphasises networks of interdependence.

Their research takes us from the alien depths of the Pacific Ocean to the inside of a damp London flat, and from the hills of Skye to the homes of pigeons. They argue for public luxury, multispecies flourishing, invigorated ecological knowledge and the inseparability of design from planetary resources. The 2022/23 Design Researchers in Residence are Rhiarna Dhaliwal, Marianna Janowicz, Isabel Lea and James Peplow Powell. Marianna and Isabel will also be giving talks about their work this month, which you can book here and here.

Islands closes on the 1st October and I’ll be going next weekend – look out for my review on LinkedIn… maybe I’ll see you there?

Alistair Drennan, Content Director, Innovation Zero

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