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Innovation Zero 2024

Congress photo



30 Apr 2024
Working Groups Theatre

Innovation in regulation and legislation are crucial if transition is to happen fast enough to avoid disastrous outcomes. We need to make new markets together.

A silent majority of business leaders know this but largely tiptoe around the subject of radically changing the rules of the economy for transition. The Climate Majority Project is working to raise the volume of this conversation with its Market Makers initiative.

We will discuss how the tech industry can kickstart needed innovation in policy regarding both business and education. The tech industry enables a “can do” attitude towards transition. However this attitude is dangerous if it means “markets can do it alone.” Rather, we require a “we can do it together” attitude — involving industry and government similar to wartime mobilization. We will discuss opportunities for tech leaders to play a pivotal role in shaping this conversation.

Confirmed Speakers
Helena Farstad, Catalyser - Climate Majority Project
Chamkaur Ghag, Professor - UCL
Liam Kavanagh, Director - Climate Majority Project