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Innovation Zero 2024 Main Stage

15 May 2023

Nature-based carbon removals with the TREEO technology

  • Nature-based carbon removals with the TREEO technology
  • Nature-based carbon removals with the TREEO technology
  • Nature-based carbon removals with the TREEO technology
Nature-based carbon removals with the TREEO technology Nature-based carbon removals with the TREEO technology Nature-based carbon removals with the TREEO technology

The TREEO carbon product involves two main steps: carbon capture and carbon storage. Trees capture CO2 from the atmosphere and store it as carbon while releasing oxygen. Carbon is then stored in the long term with timber construction and biochar, a form of carbon that improves soil quality. Besides its positive climate impact, reforestation and agroforestry also have biodiversity and socioeconomic co-benefits. Thus, by including TREEOs nature-based CDR in their portfolio, our customers are assured that they are making a real and positive impact on the climate crisis, while also supporting sustainable and socially responsible practices in local communities in the Global South. With the TREEO methodology and the real data we provide our customers, they get the peace of mind to be able to proudly claim their climate action and reach their CSR and Net Zero targets. 

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