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20 Apr 2023

Decarbonisation Leaders Network

Decarb Connect
  • Decarbonisation Leaders Network
  • Decarbonisation Leaders Network
  • Decarbonisation Leaders Network
Decarbonisation Leaders Network Decarbonisation Leaders Network Decarbonisation Leaders Network

Our single mission is to support hard-to-abate sectors such as; cement and concrete, O&G, chemicals, metals, glass and more, with the difficult challenge, and journey to reach net-zero.

Our centralised knowledge base encourages members to discuss and dissect their shared challenges, by facilitating access to the right people and solutions to drive beyond ambitious statements and targets.

Key themes we focus on include

  • Technology solutions
  • Policy
  • The role of hubs and clusters
  • Energy Transition
  • Alternative fuels
  • Finance and investment
  • Environmental justice … and many more

Across Decarb Connect, the DLN, our podcast and webinar series, reports and live events, strive to shine a light on what is working and who is making an impact. We have an array of ways to bring the right people together, bring the right discussion to the forefront and understand the complex and multifaceted journey of decarbonisation. You are the experts on industrial decarbonisation and we are facilitating all parties involved to come together and be a single community.

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