Qwello UK partners with Essex County Council to roll out pilot residential EV charging scheme
Following a competitive tender process, Qwello secured the contract to support ECC in rolling out the county’s first On-Street Charge Point Scheme (ORCS). Around seventy new charging stations will be installed initially in thirty locations including Chelmsford, Colchester, Maldon, Braintree, Harlow, and Epping with the pilot scheme supporting ECC’s ambition for Essex to become safer, greener and healthier.
EV charging at home typically takes place off-street in garages and driveways.
However, in some parts of the UK, many people cannot charge at home, so by installing charge points on-street or in public car parks, residents without off-street parking can enjoy the convenience and value of charging their electric vehicles at home.
Councillor Tom Cunningham, Essex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport, comments on the project: “We understand that not all journeys are possible by public transport, walking or cycling and so we're working with the market to reduce the emissions of essential car journeys.
We’re delighted that 66 on-street EV charging points will be rolled out across Essex beginning in the new year. We’ll be trialling them in different types of rural and urban locations to understand what works best and where.
EV charging at home usually takes place off-street in garages and driveways but in many places, off-street parking is unavailable. By installing charge points on-street, many of our residents will be able to enjoy the convenience and value of charging their electric vehicles at home."
Commencing the build and installation work in early 2024, with the first sites anticipated to go live in the Spring.
Qwello UK’s Managing Director, Martin Hale said: “Qwello already has a proven track record of delivering urban and residential charging solutions across many European cities and towns including London, Munich and Stockholm. We are delighted to now be working alongside Essex County Council in bringing this pilot scheme to fruition.”
Qwello’s fast charging stations will provide reliable, convenient and accessible charging experiences for all electric vehicle users, through user-friendly functions including contactless payment, a reservation service via the Qwello app, and 24-7 customer support.
Each charging station also features an integrated retractable cable with an 11kW 3 Phase Type 2 plug that reduces trip hazards, can be operated with one hand, and is compatible with all European and US EV-connection standards.
To find out more about Qwello UK visit www.qwello.uk/en