30 impactful actions businesses can take to help our planet

1. Switch to a renewable energy supplier
Switching to renewables is key to your climate journey, plus you might save some money. For green business tariffs, check out Ecotricity and Octopus.
2. Measure your business’ carbon footprint
If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Our free carbon footprinting tool Ecologi Zero is a good place to start, and it’s really easy to use.
3. Write to your MP
Hold your politician accountable. Find your local MP and write to them about their position on the climate crisis.
4. Take a carbon literacy course
Empower your staff to take a carbon literacy course to sort your net-zero from your carbon neutral.
5. Reward green travel
Celebrate and reward walking, cycling, carpooling, jogging, or skipping merrily to work. The Bike2Work scheme is a great place to start.
6. Buy upcycled equipment
Improve your office by buying secondhand or upcycled furniture and office equipment.
7. Buy refurbished tech
Only 17.4% of e-waste produced in 2019 was recycled, with the rest likely to be burnt or dumped in landfill. Madness. Buy refurbished from Backmarket or Klyk.
8. Get outside
According to this study, people who visit natural spaces not only feel better mentally and physically, but they’re also more likely to engage in environmentally friendly behaviours. How about a ‘walk and talk’ for the next meeting?
9. Join the Million Tree Pledge
The Million Tree Pledge is a group of individuals and businesses, committed to planting over one million trees each to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis. Think you can help plant a million in a decade? Why not give it a go?
10. Green your pensions
Your pensions could be secretly funding fossil fuels, so switch your team to a sustainable fund. It’s 21x more impactful than giving up flying, going veggie or switching energy providers!
11. Save our wild isles
Nature in the UK is amazing, but our wild isles are under threat. Sign-up to Save Our Wild Isles to receive updates on how you can take action. Do it for Sir David!
12. Create a sustainability page on your website
If you’re making meaningful strides in your climate journey, showcase tangible progress and initiatives on a dedicated sustainability page.
13. Take to the streets
Make your voice heard in a peaceful protest. 23,000+ people are joining The Big One in London on 21st – 24th April.
14. Clean up nature
Whether it’s in your local park, beach, street, get outside and organise a litter-picking day with your colleagues. Help Keep Britain Tidy by logging what you collect or getting involved in a beach cleanup.
15. Watch our net-zero webinar
Looking to start your journey to net-zero? Not sure where to begin? Register for our free webinars - https://info.ecologi.com/webinars
16. Switch to green hosting
Web hosting has a surprisingly high carbon footprint. Choose to host your site on servers that run on 100% renewable energy with a provider like Krystal hosting.
17. Opt for a low-carbon website
Your website could be lighter on the planet too. If you’re just starting out, choose a business like create.net to design and build your website.
18. Work with sustainable suppliers
Start the journey of developing a green supply chain that minimises your environmental impact and reduces waste. Use the CMA’s green claims checklist to help inform your decisions.
19. Start a conversation about climate change
It’s not always easy, but having an open conversation about climate change is a powerful act.
20. Make your office more energy efficient
Power down your printers. Use motion-sensor lights. Laptops over desktops. There’s so many ways to easily boost energy efficiency.
21. Try meat-free Mondays
Your team might like a meeting-free Monday. How about a meat-free Monday too? Skipping meat can have a significant environmental impact.
22. Donate to an environmental charity
There are loads to choose from. The Woodland Trust, Friends of the Earth, WWF, or maybe find a local charity in your area.
23. Organise a lunch and learn
Schedule a lunch and learn about climate change and sustainability. Bring in some guest speakers or encourage a member of your team to lead one.
24. Engage in citizen science
Not all scientists wear lab coats. From taking air pollution measurements to spotting birds, you can make a real difference to science by gathering and sharing data.
25. Help the bees
This will get your team buzzing. Put window-boxes in your office and fill them with bee-friendly plants. Instant office pets, and key players in our food system.
26. Reduce business travel and flights
To meet or not to meet. It’s one of the big questions of our age. Sure, there are benefits to meeting IRL, but reducing emissions should be priority #1 for any business. Switching business travel for video calls is a great place to start. If unavoidable, try lighter travel options.
27. Read a climate book
Knowledge is power, so why not start a company Book Club to keep up with the climate conversation? Greta’s Climate Book and The Solutionists: How Businesses Can Fix the Future by Solitaire Townsend are both great picks.
28. Fund meaningful climate action projects
Reduce what you can, measure your footprint, and fund impactful climate solutions to compensate for unavoidable emissions. With Ecologi, you can support some of the world’s best climate projects.
29. Listen to a climate podcast
Learn while you work with some thought-provoking podcasts. Outrage + Optimism, GreenBiz 350, and The Climate Question are some of our favourites.
30. Celebrate wins!
Trumpet every win, big and small! Communicate your actions on LinkedIn to inspire other businesses to do the same. It’s about progress, not perfection.
100 free trees during Earth Month!
To celebrate Earth Month, we’ll fund the planting of 100 trees through our reforestation partners for any new business who takes action and joins Ecologi. Read our terms and conditions to find out more.