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Innovation Zero 2024 Main Stage

07 May 2023

Powers in Place: The handbook of local authority Net Zero powers


The report examines the powers available to local authorities ahead of the 2023 local elections and concludes that despite the progress made by some trailblazing local authorities, many are still waiting for the government to provide the necessary resources and powers to fully commit to their Net Zero ambitions.

The report identifies barriers such as counterintuitive planning rules on housing and onshore wind, business case rules valuing increased traffic flows over air quality and decarbonisation, and the rise of misinformation. To address these challenges, UK100 urges ministers to introduce a Net Zero Local Powers Bill and a Net Zero Delivery Framework, overseen by a Net Zero Delivery Unit, and to end short-term competitive funding pots.

Commenting on the recommendations, Christopher Hammond, Membership & Insights Director at UK100 and former leader of Southampton Council, emphasises the importance of local action in achieving Net Zero:

"From Cornwall to Greater Manchester, local and regional authorities are achieving enormous change despite the regulatory framework and the reluctance to resource them adequately to meet the challenge of climate change. This must change. The UK will not achieve Net Zero on the backs of trailblazers alone. And one of the best places to start is with a Net Zero Local Powers Bill that permits and obliges local authorities to work with their communities to deliver Net Zero."

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