Humber Freeport
- 2024
- 2025
- Carbon Neutral and Net Zero
- Industrial Decarbonisation
- Renewable Energy Solutions
Humber Freeport - Britain's Global Gateway
Humber Freeport will accelerate the region as a world-leading hub for renewable energy, clean growth, digital innovation and advanced manufacturing.
The Humber is centred around the UK’s busiest port complex. The four major ports of Hull, Goole, Immingham and Grimsby handle around 17 per cent of the nation’s trade, and play a vital strategic role for the UK as a global trade gateway.
Freeport status will inject £650m of investment into the Humber, providing a catalyst for future investment, job growth, regeneration, decarbonisation and innovation.
With global investment opportunities in sectors including green energy, chemicals, logistics, advanced manufacturing and technology, Humber Freeport will combine the public and private sectors to drive economic transformation.
The Humber region stands as a beacon of opportunity, poised to ignite the UK’s green energy revolution and guide us towards a brighter, more prosperous future. With the challenge of climate change com ...
The freeport will harness the unique potential and location of the Humber to stimulate economic growth, skills development and inward investment in both established and emerging industries. Huge opp ...