Climate TRACE is a non-profit coalition of organizations building a timely, open, and accessible inventory of exactly where greenhouse gas emissions are coming from. At our core, we employ a powerful combination of AI, satellite imagery, machine learning algorithms, and advanced data analytics in order to provide precise, real-time emissions data. By harnessing the power of technology and collaboration, we make meaningful climate action faster and easier, delivering information that is relevant to all parties working to achieve net-zero global emissions
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As part of an ongoing Climate TRACE series, we are interviewing individual coalition members about their work. We recently caught up with Nick Wise, CEO & Founder of OceanMind, a founding member of Cl ...
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“The main impact of our work is, as we reduce human activity on the oceans, we give the oceans space to recover and to thrive.” Says Nick Wise, founder and CEO of OceanMind
The Climate TRACE inventory includes every country and territory in the world, every major sector of the global economy, and nearly every major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Tesla, Polestar, Boe ...